ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – South Carolina (SC)

The Domestic Violence Registry in South Carolina is designed to enhance public safety by providing information about individuals convicted of domestic violence offenses. It aims to prevent further incidents by making this data accessible for safety planning and legal purposes. The registry includes details such as the offender’s name, conviction record, and the severity of the offense.

Offender Lookup - South Carolina (SC)

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Arrest Records Database - aiken County, South Carolina

A(110 rec) B(293 rec) C(237 rec) D(147 rec) E(54 rec) F(89 rec) G(172 rec) H(293 rec) I(9 rec) J(190 rec) K(55 rec) L(114 rec) M (308) rec) N(40 rec) O(43 rec) P(150 rec) Q(4 rec) R(162 rec) S(319 rec) T(110 rec) U(6 rec) V(23 rec) W(258 rec) Y(15 rec) Z(2 rec)

Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

Eric Mccarty
Arrest Age 29
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jan 15, 2018
• domestic violence 2nd degree
• notes: open
• kidnapping
Mccarty Eric - Aiken County, South Carolina
Richard Mccarty
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 19, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mccarty Richard - Aiken County, South Carolina
Richard Mccarty
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Dec 05, 2019
• c gsc/bw - domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
• c aos - domestic violence, 2nd degree
• c aos - domestic viol
Mccarty Richard - Aiken County, South Carolina
Richard Mccarty
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 04, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mccarty Richard - Aiken County, South Carolina
Eldra Mccloud
Arrest Age 29
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jan 23, 2015
• criminal domestic violence
• notes: open
Mccloud Eldra - Aiken County, South Carolina
Eldra Mccloud
Arrest Age 32
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 15, 2017
• domestic violence 2nd degree
• notes: open
• a simple larceny 1000. or less
• childeren/cruelty to children(torture,deprivation)
Mccloud Eldra - Aiken County, South Carolina
Adam Mccollum
Arrest Age 36
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Dec 31, 1969
• 18/usc 228 a family court/ failure to pay & appear
• notes: open
Adam Mccollum
Arrest Age 32
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jan 23, 2015
• scdc max out date 01-30-2015
• notes: open
• hold for family court
Adam Mccollum
Arrest Age 34
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 14, 2016
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
Erick Mccollum
Arrest Age 38
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 29, 2016
• 18/usc 228 a faliure to pay family court commitment
• notes: time served
• scdc maxout date 9/30/2016
• notes: dismissed
Erick Mccollum
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Sep 29, 2016
• scdc maxout date 9/30/2016
• notes: open
• 18/usc 228 a faliure to pay family court commitment
• notes: sentenced
Ronnie Mccombs
Arrest Age 33
Warrenville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Nov 03, 2015
• domestic/ criminal domestic violence
• notes: open
• driving under suspension license not suspended for dui-1st o
• family court bench warrant- failure to pay
Mccombs Ronnie - Aiken County, South Carolina
Jaime Mccord
Arrest Age 36
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Apr 14, 2014
• family ct/fail to appear
• notes: open
Jaime Mccord
Arrest Age 39
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Dec 01, 2016
• family court/violating order
• notes: open
• awaiting warrant from nadps
Jimmy Mccormick
Arrest Age 47
Salley, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Nov 16, 2016
• hold for orangeburg county sheriffs office
• notes: open
• domestic/criminal domestic violence
• domestic/domestic violence,1st degree
• kidnapping/kidnapping
• st
Mccormick Jimmy - Aiken County, South Carolina
Corey Mccoy
Arrest Age 33
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 07, 2016
• domestic violence
• notes: open
Mccoy Corey - Aiken County, South Carolina
Corey Mccoy
Arrest Age 35
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 15, 2017
• criminal domestic violence of high and aggravated nature
• notes: open
• traffic/hit and run, duties of driver involved in accident w
• traffic/hit & run gsc bench warrant
Mccoy Corey - Aiken County, South Carolina
Erica Mccrea
Fort Lauderdale, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 14, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 3rd degree
• notes: open
Bobby Mccullough
Arrest Age 56
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 27, 2019
• family court bench warrant - failure to appear
• notes: open
Bobby Mccullough
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 10, 2019
• contempt / contempt of municipal court (tresspass after warn
• notes: open
• contempt / contempt of family court by adult (civil remedy o
Eric Mccullough
Arrest Age 43
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Apr 10, 2014
• criminal domestic violence
• notes: open
Corey Mcdaniel
Arrest Age 27
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 09, 2017
• domestic violence, 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mcdaniel Corey - Aiken County, South Carolina
Wylie Mcdaniel
Arrest Age 36
Warrenville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 18, 2018
• kidnapping / conspiracy to commit kidnapping
• notes: open
• domestic violence, 1st degree
Tracy Mcdaniels
Arrest Age 32
Allendale Charter Township, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Feb 28, 2018
• domestic violence,1st degree
• notes: open
Mcdaniels Tracy - Aiken County, South Carolina
Christopher Mcdonald
Arrest Age 31
Monetta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 12, 2014
• criminal domestic violence
• notes: open
Mcdonald Christopher - Aiken County, South Carolina
Monika Mcdonald
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Sep 20, 2016
• 18/usc 228 a failure to pay family court bench warrant
• notes: open
• driving under suspension 1st offense commitment
• notes: sentenced
Wanda Mcduff
Arrest Age 36
Grantville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 29, 2015
• simple possession of marijuana
• notes: open
• family court - failure to appear and pay as ordered
Monroe Mcentire
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 15, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mcentire Monroe - Aiken County, South Carolina
Antoine Mcfadden
Arrest Age 35
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 16, 2019
• 18/usc 228 a fail to pay - family court bench warrant
• notes: open
Antoine Mcfadden
Arrest Age 29
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 14, 2013
• failure to appear and pay family court
• notes: sentenced
• a disord conduct/gross intox
• disobeying a lawful order
Jeremiah Mcfalls
Arrest Age 39
Warrenville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Apr 05, 2018
• family court/failure to pay as ordered
• notes: open
Jeremiah Mcfalls
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 23, 2019
• contempt of family court by adult (bw)
• notes: open
Jeremiah Mcfalls
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 24, 2019
• d domestic / domestic violence, 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mcfalls Jeremiah - Aiken County, South Carolina
Jeremiah Mcfalls
Arrest Age 38
Warrenville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 19, 2016
• family ct/violating order
• notes: open
Quintavis Mcfield
Arrest Age 19
Ridge Spring, Aiken, SC
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Arrested May 15, 2015
• criminal domestic violence
• notes: open
Mcfield Quintavis - Aiken County, South Carolina
Joshua Mcgee
Arrest Age 23
Lexington, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Feb 03, 2014
• family court contempt order
• notes: sentenced
Joshua Mcgee
Arrest Age 25
Lexington, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jan 25, 2016
• 18/usc 228 a family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
Ollie Mcgee
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 25, 2019
• family court bench warrant-failure to appear/pay
• notes: open
Ollie Mcgee
Arrest Age 49
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Apr 10, 2017
• family court/violating order
• notes: sentenced
Ollie Mcgee
Arrest Age 51
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 29, 2018
• family ct/fail to appear
• notes: open
Eliga Mcgowan
Arrest Age 39
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 05, 2018
• legal custodian, unlawful neglect of child or helpless perso
• notes: open
• domestic violence, 1st degree
• no
Mcgowan Eliga - Aiken County, South Carolina
Carliss Mchargue
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 08, 2019
• family court failure to pay bench warrant
• notes: open
• driving under suspension 2nd offense
Stephanie Mcintyre
Arrest Age 29
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Dec 22, 2015
• family ct/fail to appear
• notes: open
Darrell Mckelvin
Arrest Age 31
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 02, 2018
• 18/usc 228 a family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
• 18/usc 228 a family court bench warrant - failure to appear and pay
• 18/usc 228 a family court be
Darrell Mckelvin
Arrest Age 29
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 04, 2016
• habitual offender
• notes: open
• dus (non dui) 3rd or sub.
• pwid marijuana
• family court bench warrant - failure to appear and pay
• note
Troy Mckevie
Arrest Age 25
Jackson, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 12, 2019
• contempt / contempt of municipal court
• notes: open
• traffic / failure to comply with lawful direction of police,
• domestic
Mckevie Troy - Aiken County, South Carolina
Brandon Mckie
Arrest Age 32
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 07, 2017
• 18/usc 228 a fail to pay - family court bench warrant
• notes: open
Dequez Mckie
Arrest Age 26
Trenton, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 19, 2018
• domestic/domestic violkence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mckie Dequez - Aiken County, South Carolina
Franchesca Mckie
Arrest Age 20
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Nov 11, 2018
• domestic violence 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mckie Franchesca - Aiken County, South Carolina
Noland Mckie
Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 21, 2019
• contempt / contempt of family court by adult (civil remedy o
• notes: open
Pierre Mckie
Arrest Age 27
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 18, 2014
• simple possession marijuana
• notes: open
• domestic/criminal domestic violence
• traffic/hit and run attended vehicle duties of driver involv
• hold per adps wa
Mckie Pierre - Aiken County, South Carolina
Styron Mckie
Arrest Age 41
Graniteville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 09, 2017
• family court/failure to comply with 10-07-2015 order
• notes: open
Styron Mckie
Graniteville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Oct 01, 2019
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
Styron Mckie
Arrest Age 42
Graniteville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 05, 2018
• domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mckie Styron - Aiken County, South Carolina
Trevor Mckie
Arrest Age 29
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Mar 30, 2016
• domestic violence 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mckie Trevor - Aiken County, South Carolina
Valerie Arlene Mcknight
Arrest Age 46
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 22, 2014
• criminal domestic violence mutual
• notes: open
William Mckown
Arrest Age 30
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 08, 2018
• 18/usc 228 a fail to pay - family court bench warrant
• notes: open
William Mckown
Arrest Age 27
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested May 06, 2016
• 18/usc 228 a family court bench warrant - fail to pay
• notes: open
Glendale Mclaurin
Arrest Age 26
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 12, 2014
• simple possession of marijuana
• notes: open
• criminal domestic violence 1st-bench warrant
• driving under influence less than .10 1st-bench warrant
• failure t
Mclaurin Glendale - Aiken County, South Carolina
Shawn Mclaurin
Arrest Age 25
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 20, 2015
• domestic violence 2nd degree
• notes: open
Mclaurin Shawn - Aiken County, South Carolina
Marvin Mcleod
Arrest Age 60
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 22, 2018
• domestic/domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
Vinson Mcmanus
Arrest Age 36
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Dec 01, 2016
• domestic/domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
• a larceny/petit or simple larceny $2000 or less
• domestic/domsetic violence of a high and aggaravated nature
• notes:
Mcmanus Vinson - Aiken County, South Carolina
Herman Mcmillan
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jan 13, 2020
• contempt / contempt of family court by adult (civil remedy o
• notes: open
• 44-053-0370e2a3 drugs / trafficking in cocaine, 10g or more, but less than 2
Ray Mcmillan
Arrest Age 40
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 04, 2018
• family court bench warrant - failure to appear and pay
• notes: open
Ray Mcmillan
Arrest Age 40
Greenwood, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Feb 07, 2019
• family ct/fail to appear
• notes: released by jud
• failure to comply with order of pso
• notes: open
• providing false information to pso
Ray Mcmillan
Arrest Age 37
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 29, 2015
• 18/usc 228 a failure to pay family court bench warrant
• notes: open
• hold for nadps - awaiting warrants
• hold for scdpps -ncic
• simple possession of marijuana
Ray Mcmillan
Arrest Age 41
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Apr 10, 2019
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
• hold for adps - awaiting warrants (locals check)
Carol Mcmillon-Horne
Arrest Age 46
Warrenville, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Feb 17, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mcmillon-Horne Carol - Aiken County, South Carolina
Johnny Mcnally
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 14, 2019
• domestic / domestic violence, 3rd degree
• notes: open
Mcnally Johnny - Aiken County, South Carolina
Jerome Mcneil
Salley, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 03, 2019
• family court bench warrant-failure to pay
• notes: open
Jerome Mcneil
Arrest Age 36
Salley, Aiken, SC
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Arrested May 12, 2016
• failure to surrender dl
• notes: open
• reckless driving
• dus 1st / driving under suspension 1st
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay and appear
• statut
Shawki Mcneil
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Dec 04, 2014
• 18/usc 228 a fail to appear and pay family court bench warrant
• notes: open
Donnie Mcpherson
Arrest Age 41
Clearwater, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Nov 18, 2015
• hold for south carolina probation and parole -awaiting warra
• notes: open
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay
Donnie Mcpherson
Arrest Age 42
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jul 25, 2016
• family court bench warrant - failure to appear and pay
• notes: open
John Mcpherson
Arrest Age 38
North Augusta, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 13, 2014
• family ct/fail to appear
• notes: sentenced
Justin Mcrae
Arrest Age 31
Beech Island, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 28, 2017
• family court bench warrant - failure to pay
• notes: open
Justin Mcrae
Arrest Age 31
Beech Island, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Jun 02, 2017
• family court/failure to pay per 02-29-2012 order
• notes: open
Justin Mcrae
Arrest Age 31
Beech Island, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Nov 26, 2017
• 18/usc 228 a fail to pay - family court bench warrant
• notes: open
Justin Mcrae
Arrest Age 31
Beech Island, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Aug 22, 2017
• family court bench warrant - failure to appear and pay
• notes: open
Nathaniel Meade
Arrest Age 38
Aiken, Aiken, SC
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Arrested Sep 11, 2018
• domestic/domestic violence, 2nd degree
• notes: open
• burglary/burglary(after june 20, 1985) 1st degree
Meade Nathaniel - Aiken County, South Carolina

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Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

Domestic violence happens in every community. In an effort to prevent or reduce the incidence of domestic violence, the South Carolina Department of Social Services provides grants to local shelters and contracts with community agencies throughout the state. Through these grants and contracts the goal of the Domestic Violence Program is prevention and the provision of emergency services.

40 thoughts on “ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – South Carolina (SC)”

  1. Hello. I was abused by this man before multiple times and had called police for some of the encounters I had and they “couldn’t do anything unless I called more than 3 times” this man is out and still beating woman, taking their belongings, and controlling them beyond my imagination.

  2. Good question. If he/she did or didn't pass, would any one with any common sense use this site as a way to locate a deceased loved one? Kind of creepy the way people just expect certain answers on a google search or web site. #CommonSense

  3. no he is my dad and my mom is a crazy person she cold the cops after he asked her to make pb&j and she throw a pan at him and we were about to go to a game of some sort like baseball or something while he had a little bit of homework to do

  4. Hello Tanya are you looking for a Paul Baylock ?
    My other sister and I have been searching for a child my brother has that we have no clue who she is.

  5. Unsure if you are searching for a Paul Baylock. He is my brother. My sister and I have been looking for a daughter he has. He is still alive if it is my brother. You can contact me on here.

  6. Does he drive a Silverado? One registered to a man with this same name was involved in a hit and run on Sunday 6/6/2021....the police are looking for the vehicle.

  7. Does anyone know any information about Perry Mitchell? I’m his daughter I haven’t been in contact with him since I was two years old I’m 18 now

  8. Noname- which man are you speaking of? I am one of the victims here, so just checking

  9. Christina Joanna Hill from Taylors, SC should be on here. But Greenville County Sheriffs Office is a bunch of racist white supremacists. So when her ex blk BF called the cops on her for DV, they hemmed him up. And continued to harass him. Even almost killed him. But America ain't racist Tim Scott? SC is

  10. David Gilchrist has been abusing women since 2009. He lies and tells people he is from Russia and is an the navy and all kinda of other things.he is a drug addict and a violent drunk.he has charges of felonious nature dating back to 2009 also. he also continues to drink and use drugs and is still harassing his ex wife.

  11. All this under Carla Michelle Wells name? Hmmmm. She's missing so if anyone has seen her please call Lexington Co Sheriffs Dept in SC. Her mother passed away and Carla's daughter is looking for her.

  12. I have a similar story...dated him for less than a year and got two CDV charges on me..Davidson gilchrist is truly a danger to all women and children. He has 3 CDVS and I have no clue how he's not in prison

  13. Kaiden, I was surprised to see this reply because I believed Dowell only had 1 child and that child is being adopted by me. I would be very interested in connecting with you.

  14. Oh my God are you really talking about Travis drillberry age 35 living in Anderson South Carolina for real my God if you are reach out to me on Facebook I'm Lindsay Justice Jesus Christ I've been with the dude for September will be 13 years and he's done the same thing to me for this long now still doing it to this day it's unbelievable I can't believe this

  15. It is urgent I get in touch with you. People's lives are in mortal danger. It is important and beyond urgent that I find Chris Bull.


    Please PLEASE reach out. I have information on this man that might benefit us all

  16. I am looking for information on Blake McHone. He has two pending criminal domestic abuse charges, but claims they are "getting dropped". Please share insight. Thanks in advance.

  17. Dennis Leon Moses should be ashamed of himself always having a terrible temper and glad I googled him before hand.

  18. Wow , I just went through the same thing with him ……..this is crazy he last told me about some girl hitting him in his eye really bad because he fought her and was staying with her smh

  19. Wow I dated him too in 2011, I seen the signs early on,such as controlling and we broke up.I'm lucky.You all are!

  20. He is my oldest brother I have never met him but he is the only connection I have to the rest of my dads side of the family
    My dad James Michael Sayer Jr died in 2002 before I was born in 2003

  21. Who are you referring to? Chris Cutlip? Because I just got out of a two year nightmare with him. He was emotionally and physically abusive. But not until he had me hooked. Covert narcissist and gaslighter. I'm thankful I got out when I did. I have been very curious about his past. Because he was so secretive.

  22. Are any of you talking about Donald Usevich? I’ve been dating him off and on since last April/May. He is a severe alcoholic and is abusive. He has hit me so many times , blacked my eye, busted lip, cracked rib, pulled my hair out, slapped me and punched me. Also lied to me and stole my meds and also took my car without my knowledge and did two hit and runs in it and totaled it. We broke up again about 4 days ago. I thought he loved me but he only loves himself. He’s put me through hell. But I’d like to know who else he’s been seeing and who he’s done this to. Please message me

  23. Anyone know anything about the Vanhoose family in greenville? I'm a vanhoose and trying to figure out who my dad was. Thanks

  24. Hello All, I am in search of Matthew Nolish. He own a automotive shop in Anderson called The Body Shop. He stated he could fix my vehicle that was wrecked and that he needed $2k upfront for the parts in the month of November. Come January there was a note on the shop door stating he has closed down. The vehicle was still sitting in the same place with nothing done..it had not been touched. I ask him to give me back my money and he refuse he also keep the car key. I have filed a complaint with summary court but have no address for him. Please help

  25. Michael James Keeton is not listed in Florence County though he was arrested, found guilty and sent to prison for CDV of a high and aggravated nature in 2006 I believe. He also has CDV convictions in Greenville and Laurens Counties, more than the “3 in less than 10 years” that I’ve been told results in automatic prison time. Maybe if these registries were complete, concise and easier to navigate, these predators wouldn’t still be out here abusing women. How many CDV’s in how many different counties does it take for them to be stopped? Or do they actually have to kill someone before anyone pays attention, or cares?

  26. Alvin Jeter is a woman beater and has several prior convictions for cdv! He broke my nose this last time that he beat me and he is in the county jail for now. How is this man not going to prison for his crimes?

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