ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – Illinois (IL)

Domestic Violence Offender Registry - Champaign, Cook, DuPage, Lake, McHenry, Richland, and Winnebago County, IL

This page provides access to the Domestic Violence Offender Registry for Illinois. It lists individuals with records of domestic violence offenses, offering crucial information to enhance public awareness and safety.

The purpose of the registry is to:

  • Help communities stay informed about offenders in their area.
  • Promote accountability and transparency.
  • Support efforts to combat domestic violence by increasing public awareness.

Visit the page to search for offenders by name or browse the registry to learn more.

Offender Lookup - Illinois (IL)

Champaign  Cook  DuPage  Lake  McHenry Richland  Winnebago 

Arrest Records Database - McHenry County, Illinois

A(129 rec) B(313 rec) C(252 rec) D(157 rec) E(75 rec) F(135 rec) G(241 rec) H(278 rec) I(21 rec) J(87 rec) K(195 rec) L(189 rec) M(358 rec) N(63 rec) O(45 rec) P(231 rec) Q(6 rec) R(212 rec) S(427 rec) T(112 rec) U(11 rec) V(83 rec) W (163) rec) X(5 rec) Y(15 rec) Z(54 rec)

Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

Robert P Whitney
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Jan 22, 2020
• domestic battery/physical contact
Whitney Robert - McHenry County, Illinois
Patrick E Whitt
Arrest Age 49
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Arrested Jun 24, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Whitt Patrick - McHenry County, Illinois
Thomas V Whittaker
Arrest Age 48
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Arrested Jun 12, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• unlawful use of a weapon
Whittaker Thomas - McHenry County, Illinois
Sean D Widdowson
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Nov 15, 2016
• resist peace officer/corr emp
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Widdowson Sean - McHenry County, Illinois
Sean D Widdowson
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jun 06, 2014
• resist peace officer/corr emp
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Widdowson Sean - McHenry County, Illinois
Sean D Widdowson
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Mar 09, 2014
• domestic battery/physical contact
Widdowson Sean - McHenry County, Illinois
Sean D Widdowson
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested Jan 25, 2016
• resist peace officer/corr emp
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Widdowson Sean - McHenry County, Illinois
Sean D Widdowson
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Apr 25, 2014
• domestic battery/physical contact
Widdowson Sean - McHenry County, Illinois
David Wiechec
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Oct 22, 2017
• domestic battery/physical contact
• criminal damage property
Wiechec David - McHenry County, Illinois
Mark R Wiegert
Arrest Age 47
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Arrested Dec 09, 2017
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• interfering with the reporting of domestic violence
Wiegert Mark - McHenry County, Illinois
Adam R Wiercioch
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Arrested Aug 31, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wiercioch Adam - McHenry County, Illinois
Matthew K Wiese
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested May 18, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wiese Matthew - McHenry County, Illinois
Matthew K Wiese
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jan 09, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Randy S Wilberscheid
Arrest Age 47
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Arrested Aug 13, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wilberscheid Randy - McHenry County, Illinois
Colby E Wilbur
Arrest Age 44
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Arrested Mar 08, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wilbur Colby - McHenry County, Illinois
Shannon E Wilder-Miller
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Arrested Sep 13, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wilder-Miller Shannon - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph R Wiley
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Oct 02, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm/prior
• domestc battery/physical contact/prior
• aggravated domestic battery
Wiley Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph R Wiley
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Feb 01, 2019
• domestic battery/other prior
Wiley Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph R Wiley
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested May 21, 2014
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wiley Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph R Wiley
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested May 07, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wiley Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph R Wiley
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Jul 22, 2014
• aggravated domestic battery
Wiley Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Justin M Wilhoit
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Apr 06, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wilhoit Justin - McHenry County, Illinois
Penny J Wilkerson
Arrest Age 49
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Arrested Jul 21, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Russell A Wilkes
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Sep 15, 2018
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wilkes Russell - McHenry County, Illinois
Dakota J Wilkinson
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Aug 28, 2018
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wilkinson Dakota - McHenry County, Illinois
Jasmine M Willens
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested May 29, 2019
• resist peace officer/corr emp
• domestic battery/physical contact
Willens Jasmine - McHenry County, Illinois
Jasmine M Willens
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Aug 09, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• battery/make physical contact
Willens Jasmine - McHenry County, Illinois
Robert R Willett
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Arrested Jul 12, 2019
• receive/poss/sell stolen veh
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Willett Robert - McHenry County, Illinois
Charles A Williams
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Feb 28, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Williams Charles - McHenry County, Illinois
Colton J Williams
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Mar 23, 2018
• domestic battery/physical contact
Williams Colton - McHenry County, Illinois
Dena S Williams
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Feb 14, 2015
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• resist peace officer/corr emp
Gerald M Williams
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Jun 28, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Williams Gerald - McHenry County, Illinois
Jalen T Williams
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Oct 17, 2015
• domestic battery/physical contact
• interfering with the reporting of domestic violence
• criminal damage property
Williams Jalen - McHenry County, Illinois
Jordan M Williams
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested May 21, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Williams Jordan - McHenry County, Illinois
Kelly A Williams
Arrest Age 48
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Arrested Oct 19, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Williams Kelly - McHenry County, Illinois
Lewis B Williams
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Oct 21, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Williams Lewis - McHenry County, Illinois
Phillip R Willis
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Jul 25, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• theft / unauthd control / > $500 $500
• interfering with the reporting of domestic violence
Willis Phillip - McHenry County, Illinois
Emmanuel D Willoughby
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Nov 04, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Willoughby Emmanuel - McHenry County, Illinois
Brandon M Wilson
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Aug 09, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wilson Brandon - McHenry County, Illinois
Brittanie L Wilson
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Dec 10, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• cause circumstance/endgr child
Wilson Brittanie - McHenry County, Illinois
Jonathan A Wilson
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Aug 16, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• aggravated domestic battery/strangle
• unlawful restraint
• residential burglary
• theft / control intent $500
• theft / control intent
Wilson Jonathan - McHenry County, Illinois
Keyanna L Wilson
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Jan 17, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wilson Keyanna - McHenry County, Illinois
Russell J Wilson
Arrest Age 25
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Arrested Oct 07, 2015
• aggravated domestic battery/strangle
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wilson Russell - McHenry County, Illinois
Russell J Wilson
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Arrested Sep 14, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• interfering with the reporting of domestic violence
Wilson Russell - McHenry County, Illinois
Stephon D Wilson
Arrest Age 20
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Arrested Jul 24, 2017
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• resist peace officer/corr emp
Wilson Stephon - McHenry County, Illinois
Timmy L Wilson
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Dec 24, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wilson Timmy - McHenry County, Illinois
David M Wiltse
Arrest Age 48
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Arrested May 19, 2014
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wiltse David - McHenry County, Illinois
Andrew D Winter
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jun 25, 2018
• criminal sexual assault consent
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• criminal trespass to residence
Winter Andrew - McHenry County, Illinois
Kevin W Winter
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Mar 15, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Winter Kevin - McHenry County, Illinois
Lyndsey M Winter
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested May 10, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Winter Lyndsey - McHenry County, Illinois
Dustin S Wise
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Jan 16, 2019
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Dustin S Wise
Arrest Age 32
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Arrested Jul 09, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wise Dustin - McHenry County, Illinois
Dustin S Wise
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Arrested Sep 01, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• interfering with the reporting of domestic violence
Wise Dustin - McHenry County, Illinois
Alyse O Witchie
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Jun 12, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Witchie Alyse - McHenry County, Illinois
David J Witt
Arrest Age 39
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Arrested Feb 21, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Witt David - McHenry County, Illinois
Richard T Witt
Arrest Age 51
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Arrested Jul 12, 2019
• domestic battery/physical contact
• aggravated battery/peace officer
• aggravated assault / peace officer / weapon / aggravated assault / peace officer /weapon
• resist peace officer/corr emp
Witt Richard - McHenry County, Illinois
Marlene D Woehlke-Selep
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Jun 22, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Woehlke-Selep Marlene - McHenry County, Illinois
Caitlyn R Wojcik
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jul 15, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wojcik Caitlyn - McHenry County, Illinois
David Wojcik
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Feb 15, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Todd E Wojdakowski
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Jan 15, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wojdakowski Todd - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph A Wojnowski
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested May 31, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wojnowski Joseph - McHenry County, Illinois
Thomas R Wojtas
Arrest Age 45
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Arrested Jan 23, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wojtas Thomas - McHenry County, Illinois
Conrad D Wolak
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Mar 02, 2019
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wolak Conrad - McHenry County, Illinois
David J Wold
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jul 09, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wold David - McHenry County, Illinois
Jeffery M Wolf
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Nov 28, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wolf Jeffery - McHenry County, Illinois
Theodore D Wolfe
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Nov 09, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wolfe Theodore - McHenry County, Illinois
Joseph L Woloszynski
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Sep 07, 2017
• domestic battery/physical contact
• criminal damage property
Deon L Woodrome
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested Dec 20, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• resist peace officer
• obstructing identification
• driving on revoked dl/drivers license / driving on revoked license
• operate uninsured mtr vehicle
Woodrome Deon - McHenry County, Illinois
Jamie M Woods
Arrest Age 38
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Arrested Sep 28, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• resist peace officer/corr emp
Woods Jamie - McHenry County, Illinois
Jamal C Wooten
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Sep 06, 2017
• domestic battery/physical contact
Jamal C Wooten
Arrest Age 26
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Arrested Apr 27, 2016
• domestic battery/physical contact
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Wooten Jamal - McHenry County, Illinois
Amy E Worthy
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Feb 14, 2020
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Worthy Amy - McHenry County, Illinois
Dwayne E Wright
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Jun 23, 2019
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wright Dwayne - McHenry County, Illinois
Michael D Wrzek
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested Dec 03, 2017
• domestic battery/bodily harm/prior
• domestc battery/physical contact/prior
Wrzek Michael - McHenry County, Illinois
Michael D Wrzek
Arrest Age 52
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Arrested Oct 07, 2015
• violate order of protection / prior domestic battery
Wrzek Michael - McHenry County, Illinois
Michael D Wrzek
Arrest Age 53
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Arrested Sep 25, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wrzek Michael - McHenry County, Illinois
Michael D Wrzek
Arrest Age 54
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Arrested Feb 27, 2017
• domestic battery/other prior
• battery/cause bodily harm
• obstructing identification
• resist peace officer/corr emp
Wrzek Michael - McHenry County, Illinois
Scott G Wuensch
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Feb 25, 2016
• aggravated domestic battery/strangle
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
Wuensch Scott - McHenry County, Illinois
David A Wuich
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested May 11, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/physical contact
• possess drug paraphernalia
• possess cannabis
Wuich David - McHenry County, Illinois
Darren P Wyatt
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Oct 12, 2018
• domestic battery/physical contact
• criminal trespass to residence
Wyatt Darren - McHenry County, Illinois

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Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

In its current form, the Illinois State Police would have to create a database of those convicted of aggravated domestic violence, domestic violence.
You will be able to view public records on individuals who have been arrested. View Anyone's Criminal History. Public Arrest Records.

11 thoughts on “ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – Illinois (IL)”

  1. michael barkus from round lake beach,il is a looser,wife beater,can't hold a job longer than a week,sat in jail but found a butt buddy that take care of all his needs,and he takes care of bruno's needs too.

  2. does anyone know any information about DAVID L. CARR or have any further details about his multiple aggravated domestics? im recently finding out the severity of his abusiveness. and im sure hes been beating my ex. Im now under the impression that my kids have also been victims no one will tell me anything. cops wont do anything neither will dcfs.

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