ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – Illinois (IL)

Domestic Violence Offender Registry - Champaign, Cook, DuPage, Lake, McHenry, Richland, and Winnebago County, IL

This page provides access to the Domestic Violence Offender Registry for Illinois. It lists individuals with records of domestic violence offenses, offering crucial information to enhance public awareness and safety.

The purpose of the registry is to:

  • Help communities stay informed about offenders in their area.
  • Promote accountability and transparency.
  • Support efforts to combat domestic violence by increasing public awareness.

Visit the page to search for offenders by name or browse the registry to learn more.

Offender Lookup - Illinois (IL)

Champaign  Cook  DuPage  Lake  McHenry  Richland  Winnebago

Arrest Records Database - Winnebago County, Illinois

A(145 rec) B(471 rec) C(330 rec) D(183 rec) E(70 rec) F(141 rec) G(187 rec) H(383 rec) I(17 rec) J(183 rec) K(138 rec) L(219 rec) M(373 rec) N(70 rec) O(54 rec) P(223 rec) Q(5 rec) R(200 rec) S (404) rec) T(205 rec) U(8 rec) V(46 rec) W(360 rec) X(2 rec) Y(26 rec) Z(17 rec)

Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

Nathaniel Aaron Smith
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Jan 01, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Smith Nathaniel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Rashawn Burnell Smith
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Mar 13, 2017
• agg btry/chil
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smith Rashawn - Winnebago County, Illinois
Richard Allen Smith
Arrest Age 53
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Arrested Oct 17, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smith Richard - Winnebago County, Illinois
Rick Darone Smith
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Aug 02, 2016
• divorce matter divorce / family matter
Robert Dewitt Smith
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Jan 23, 2015
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smith Robert - Winnebago County, Illinois
Shane William Smith
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Jan 10, 2015
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smith Shane - Winnebago County, Illinois
Stephen Sheldon Smith
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Jan 16, 2014
• divorce matter divorce / family matter
Tamara Lin Smith
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested May 01, 2019
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smith Tamara - Winnebago County, Illinois
Thomas Anthony Smith
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Nov 21, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Smith Thomas - Winnebago County, Illinois
Tyran Lee Smith
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Mar 11, 2019
• domestic btry/physical contact
• knowingly damage prop
• speeding 26-34 mphover limit
• criminal trespass to land
• c
Smith Tyran - Winnebago County, Illinois
James Nathaniel Smithjohnson
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Aug 21, 2018
• home invasion/cause injury
• agg domestic battery/strangle
• crim tres to res/pers present
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smithjohnson James - Winnebago County, Illinois
Elijah Ray Smoot
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Nov 11, 2018
• theft/stolen/>$500
• driving on suspended license
• operate uninsured mtr vehicle
• speeding 21-30 over
• domestic btry/phys
Smoot Elijah - Winnebago County, Illinois
Courtney Alyssa Smothers
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Oct 21, 2015
• agg battery/peace officer
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smothers Courtney - Winnebago County, Illinois
Ronald Gene Smuck
Arrest Age 49
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Arrested Nov 28, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
Smuck Ronald - Winnebago County, Illinois
Steven John Smythe
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Sep 10, 2014
• agg discharge firearm/occ veh
• battery/makes physical contact
• aggravated domestic battery
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Smythe Steven - Winnebago County, Illinois
Steven John Smythe
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Oct 03, 2014
• agg domestic battery/strangle
• domestic btry/physical contact
• hold writ doc hold writ doc
Smythe Steven - Winnebago County, Illinois
Amanda Dawn Snyder
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested May 25, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• agg assault/deadly weapon
• knowingly damage prop
Snyder Amanda - Winnebago County, Illinois
Trisha Yvonne Snyder
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jan 30, 2014
• battery/domestic
Justin Marquise Sockwell
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Dec 08, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Sockwell Justin - Winnebago County, Illinois
Reginald Sockwell
Arrest Age 57
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Arrested Jul 10, 2016
• agg domestic battery/strangle
• unlawful restraint
Sockwell Reginald - Winnebago County, Illinois
Terrell Deshaun Sockwell
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Apr 06, 2019
• resist/obstruct officer
• mfg/del 1
• agg domestic battery/strangle
Sockwell Terrell - Winnebago County, Illinois
Riccardo Eniriqe Solivan
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Oct 18, 2018
• agg domestic battery/strangle
• domestic battery/phys cont/prior
• knowingly damage prop
• hold doc hold doc
Solivan Riccardo - Winnebago County, Illinois
Samuel D Soliz
Arrest Age 56
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Arrested Apr 05, 2015
• aggravated domestic battery
Soliz Samuel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Daniel Ray Sommerfield
Arrest Age 47
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Arrested Feb 18, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Sommerfield Daniel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Erica Elizabeth Soppe
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Dec 28, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Soppe Erica - Winnebago County, Illinois
Jason Phillip Sorenson
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Dec 31, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
Sorenson Jason - Winnebago County, Illinois
Eloy Froosico Sosa
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Dec 13, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Sosa Eloy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Douglas Paul Sosnowski
Arrest Age 47
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Arrested Jan 08, 2014
• battery/domestic
Nathaniel John Soviak
Arrest Age 21
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Arrested Aug 02, 2014
• aggravated domestic battery
Soviak Nathaniel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Nathaniel John Soviak
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Feb 18, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Soviak Nathaniel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Jeffrey Allen Sowl
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Mar 14, 2019
• agg domestic battery/strangle
• domestic battery/other prior
Sowl Jeffrey - Winnebago County, Illinois
Kimani Deshaun Spain
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Sep 05, 2015
• aggravated domestic battery
• agg btry/pregnant/handicapped
Spain Kimani - Winnebago County, Illinois
Leticia Toreaine Span
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Mar 12, 2015
• domestic btry/physical contact
• agg assault/deadly weapon
Span Leticia - Winnebago County, Illinois
Stephanie Nicole Spatz
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Feb 04, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Spatz Stephanie - Winnebago County, Illinois
Melvin Spearman
Arrest Age 46
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Arrested Nov 04, 2013
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Spearman Melvin - Winnebago County, Illinois
Darion Daquan Spears
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Jul 16, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Spears Darion - Winnebago County, Illinois
Darion Daquan Spears
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Mar 07, 2017
• domestic battery/other prior
Spears Darion - Winnebago County, Illinois
Darion Daquan Spears
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Nov 10, 2018
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• domestic battery/other prior
Spears Darion - Winnebago County, Illinois
Robert Scott Speck
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Jul 21, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Speck Robert - Winnebago County, Illinois
Brian Keith Spence
Arrest Age 51
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Arrested Oct 06, 2015
• crim sex aslt/family member
Lawrence Lamar Spiller
Arrest Age 55
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Arrested May 02, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
• theft control intent
Spiller Lawrence - Winnebago County, Illinois
Michael Spiller
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Feb 10, 2014
• domestic battery/other prior
• resist/obstruct peace officer
Spiller Michael - Winnebago County, Illinois
Jamie Lynn Splinter
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Nov 18, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Splinter Jamie - Winnebago County, Illinois
Jamie Lynn Splinter
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Mar 01, 2015
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Splinter Jamie - Winnebago County, Illinois
Clayton Edward Spurlock
Arrest Age 58
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Arrested Aug 08, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Spurlock Clayton - Winnebago County, Illinois
Lashawn Lee Stacker
Arrest Age 19
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Arrested Jan 22, 2016
• unlawful restraint
• domestic btry/physical contact
Stacker Lashawn - Winnebago County, Illinois
Lashawn Lee Stacker
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Feb 08, 2019
• home invasion/cause injury
• domestic battery/other prior
• crim tres to res/pers present
• knowingly damage prop
Stacker Lashawn - Winnebago County, Illinois
Marcus Anthony Staff
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Apr 01, 2019
• domestic battery/other prior
Staff Marcus - Winnebago County, Illinois
Cory Predrag Stakic
Arrest Age 41
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Arrested Dec 20, 2018
• domestic btry/physical contact
Stakic Cory - Winnebago County, Illinois
Charles Cortez Stallworth
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested May 12, 2016
• mfg/del cocaine/sch/pub hs/pk
• domestic btry/physical contact
• resist/pc off/corr/frftr/inj
Stallworth Charles - Winnebago County, Illinois
Dezione Issiah Stallworth
Arrest Age 18
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Arrested Apr 24, 2019
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• resist/obstruct officer
Stallworth Dezione - Winnebago County, Illinois
Kelly Ann Stanbury
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested May 07, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
• agg battery/great bodily harm
• unlawful restraint
Stanbury Kelly - Winnebago County, Illinois
Teisha Monique Stanford
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested May 20, 2016
• agg battery/great bodily harm
• domestic btry/physical contact
Stanford Teisha - Winnebago County, Illinois
Anna Lynn Stanley
Arrest Age 29
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Arrested Apr 23, 2015
• agg battery/great bodily harm
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• bench bench warrant
Stanley Anna - Winnebago County, Illinois
Tommy Douglas Stanley
Arrest Age 36
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Arrested Mar 08, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
• resist/pc off/corr emp/frftr
• contempt of court contempt of court not bench
• contempt of court contempt
Stanley Tommy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Tommy Douglas Stanley
Arrest Age 34
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Arrested Jul 01, 2014
• unlawful restraint
• domestic btry/physical contact
Stanley Tommy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Tommy Douglas Stanley
Arrest Age 33
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Arrested Jan 14, 2014
• unlawful restraint
• domestic btry/bodily harm pri
Stanley Tommy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Kai William Stark
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Aug 26, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
Stark Kai - Winnebago County, Illinois
Steven Starks
Arrest Age 27
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Arrested Nov 13, 2018
• domestic btry/physical contact
Starks Steven - Winnebago County, Illinois
Turrell Vannes Starks
Arrest Age 37
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Arrested Aug 10, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• hold doc hold doc
Starks Turrell - Winnebago County, Illinois
Leroy Starnes
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Feb 22, 2015
• domestic btry/physical contact
Starnes Leroy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Leroy Starnes
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Apr 03, 2015
• domestic battery/other prior
• domestic btry/physical contact
Leroy Starnes
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Jul 02, 2015
• domestic battery/other prior
• domestic btry/physical contact
Starnes Leroy - Winnebago County, Illinois
Philip Joseph Starr
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Apr 07, 2014
• battery/domestic
Adam Jacob Staten
Arrest Age 30
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Arrested Sep 26, 2014
• aggravated domestic battery
• hold doc hold doc
Staten Adam - Winnebago County, Illinois
Joel Robert Statum
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested Feb 06, 2016
• divorce matter divorce / family matter
Carl David Stearns
Arrest Age 42
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Arrested Dec 31, 2013
• agg btry/off/fireman/emp dhs
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• resist/obstruct peace officer
Stearns Carl - Winnebago County, Illinois
Carl David Stearns
Arrest Age 43
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Arrested Oct 29, 2014
• petvacp pet to vac prog
• aggravated domestic battery
• domestic btry/physical contact
• resist/pc off/corr emp/frftr
Stearns Carl - Winnebago County, Illinois
Jo An Petra Stearns
Arrest Age 40
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Arrested Sep 18, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Stearns Jo - Winnebago County, Illinois
Joshua Edward Stedman
Arrest Age 31
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Arrested Jul 22, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
• knowingly damage prop
Stedman Joshua - Winnebago County, Illinois
Aljeuel Terence Steel
Arrest Age 35
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Arrested May 11, 2016
• agg battery child/bodily harm
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• resist/pc off/corr emp/frftr
Steel Aljeuel - Winnebago County, Illinois
Anthony Keshwon Steele
Arrest Age 28
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Arrested Aug 25, 2018
• crim sex assault/force
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Steele Anthony - Winnebago County, Illinois
Donzeler Dewayne Steele
Arrest Age 22
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Arrested Nov 14, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
• battery/makes physical contact
Steele Donzeler - Winnebago County, Illinois
Sophia Lynette Steelking
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Apr 13, 2019
• agg assault/deadly weapon
• domestic btry/physical contact
Steelking Sophia - Winnebago County, Illinois
Nanette Patricia Steffensmeier
Arrest Age 50
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Arrested Jan 16, 2015
• domestic btry/physical contact
Steffensmeier Nanette - Winnebago County, Illinois
Nanette Patricia Steffensmeier
Arrest Age 51
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Arrested Feb 22, 2016
• domestic battery/bodily harm
Steffensmeier Nanette - Winnebago County, Illinois
Brianna Lynn Steffey
Arrest Age 23
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Arrested Aug 04, 2016
• domestic btry/physical contact
Steffey Brianna - Winnebago County, Illinois
David Lee Stegall
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Oct 06, 2014
• domestic btry/physical contact
• possess drug paraphernalia
• resist/obstruct officer
Stegall David - Winnebago County, Illinois
Kayla Leeann Stephens
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested May 08, 2014
• domestic battery/bodily harm
• petvacp pet to vac prog
Stephens Kayla - Winnebago County, Illinois
Misha Lynnice Stepter
Arrest Age 24
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Arrested Jun 04, 2014
• battery/domestic
• disorderly conduct

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Criminal Records Search
Charges, Conviction and Much More!

In its current form, the Illinois State Police would have to create a database of those convicted of aggravated domestic violence, domestic violence.
You will be able to view public records on individuals who have been arrested. View Anyone's Criminal History. Public Arrest Records.

11 thoughts on “ᐅ Domestic Violence Registry – Illinois (IL)”

  1. michael barkus from round lake beach,il is a looser,wife beater,can't hold a job longer than a week,sat in jail but found a butt buddy that take care of all his needs,and he takes care of bruno's needs too.

  2. does anyone know any information about DAVID L. CARR or have any further details about his multiple aggravated domestics? im recently finding out the severity of his abusiveness. and im sure hes been beating my ex. Im now under the impression that my kids have also been victims no one will tell me anything. cops wont do anything neither will dcfs.

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